Thursday, May 20, 2010

How Windows 7 Can Help a Business

windows 7Windows 7 can help your employees be more productive through many different features. It will allow you to set up the taskbar in the way you want it to be. This is good for many employees who prefer their windows displayed in a certain order and have to spend extra time each day making sure they are arranged. Now they can just move them around in just a second. Another way that it can help employees be more productive is through their three different ways of viewing your windows. On other operating systems you could only view one window at a time. With Windows 7 you can view them in multiple ways referred to as snap, peek and shake. Sounds like a breakfast cereal huh? But they really are quite helpful. The most popular is the snap, which allows you to open multiple windows on your screen. You choose their size and where you want them. This is especially beneficial for data entry but has many different applications in which this would help. Peek lets you see what is on other windows that are open, just by placing your cursor on the window’s icon on the taskbar. You can even use this to see hidden applications on your desktop. Shake is especially helpful when an employee is getting distracted by all the windows they have in front of them. Rather than having to take the time to minimize each window, all you have to do is click on the window and shake your mouse. The other windows go away and you can focus on what you are looking for.

Many of the features that will make your employees more productive will also save you time. On top of this, Windows 7 will allow you to gain access to company networks using Domain Join. What this means for your business is that you do not have to have employees wasting time having to go to someone else for a document they may have. You can also display media you may need to show on different PCs and TVs throughout your building, which means no wasted time hooking up extra cords and what not when you need to do a presentation.

Security is a definite issue these days. Microsoft recognized this when they created Windows 7 by adding the Bit Locker, which helps to protect your information. It not only protects information on your computer but on your portable devices as well.

By: Emile Franks

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